Right-Brain Business Plan Part II – AEDM Day 30


With scissors, pens and glue stick in hand, I worked on detailing out the different sections of my Artizen Coaching Right-Brain Business Plan on the flip side. Sure beats sitting in front of a computer for hours!


I revised my company description with the look of my ink and water colors visual journal. The paint really brought the key words to life and made it feel more like me.

I wanted my plan to be interactive and evolving, so I created different ways to incorporate information that I could take out, update and put back in. The next page to the left has a pocket that holds cards describing my different services and products. I like that I can pull them out and add to it easily.


Next, I created a mini bound calendar to list out my major events and milestones. It actually slips out of the little holder so that I can thumb through it (see picture below).

I also created a section for describing who I’m partnering with and for what. In addition, I thought through what my role would be versus what I have already outsourced or need to outsource in the future.


I really love that this format is expandable and adaptable – just like my business! Plus, it’s portable and fun to look at!


Finally, I created spaces for holding my financial and overall business goals plus my marketing strategies and approaches. Since these are also in an envelope type form, I can easily slip cards in and out. Plus there’s a little more privacy.

I’m super-excited to have a tangible, interactive vision for where I want to take my business in the next year and beyond. I’m also thrilled that I’ve developed another creative approach to use with clients in crafting the personal and professional goals.

I am so grateful to the Art Every Day and NaBloPoMo challenges (I’m overlooking those days when I was sooo overwhelmed and stressed!). This month’s art making and blogging has culminated into a new way for me do business planning, has helped me to develop new approaches and product ideas and has widened my community of creative souls. This process reminds me that the more I try new things, connect with others, tap into my creativity… then the more quickly my vision and ideas can evolve and manifest. Doing art every day has definitely accelerated my life big time in ways I wouldn’t have even imagined 29 days ago and am still processing. Amazing!

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, business planning, right-brain business plan, art visioning, expressive arts coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurship, collage, book arts, accordion book[/tags]

Right-Brain Business Plan – AEDM Day 29


How many of you cringe when you hear the words business plan? Or maybe even worse… budget, cash flow or P&L statement? If you’re like me, those terms (especially the financial ones), make your skin crawl. Yet, as an entrepreneur it’s vital to know where you’re going and what it’s going to take to get there.

So, how about approaching business planning (and life planning) from a visual, creative and fun perspective instead?

The idea of doing a more right-brain approach to my business plan came to me while brainstorming materials with my colleagues Starla Sireno and Tara Russell at The Fearless Entrepreneur. As we refine resources and exercises to use with our business coaching clients, it’s also important that we walk our talk, too. So, I revisited my business plan (originally in a boring, static Word document) and decided to update it for 2008 and beyond using my art visioning techniques.


Above are the front and back covers of my Artizen Coaching business plan accordion book. I started off decorating the front with a really cool art studio image from a magazine. Then I thought it would be clever to have the back be more of the “zen” in the Artizen.


Here are some detail shots of the interior.

Typically a business plan has sections such as: an executive summary, company description, industry analysis, target market, financials, marketing and sales plan, etc.

In the first couple of pages I wanted to just set the tone of my business and also list out the different products and services I’m offering or working on.


Next, I got clear on my strategic alliances and affiliations – who I’m working with and what organizations I belong to for networking and support. It’s a relief to know I don’t have to go it alone!

For the finances, I really wanted to concentrate on abundance and chose images/words around that. I have my P&L statement folded up in the little manila envelope so I can pull it out and look at it when I need to.


These last pages are about marketing and getting myself out there. Part of what triggered doing this project now was that today I received galley copies of the book that I’m featured in: The Girl’s Guide to Kicking Your Career in Gear and I got excited about next year! I also want to write a book, so there’s a little 3D book attached to one of the pages.

Tomorrow, I’m going to write out more details on the back of each page. Now that I have visuals and the emotional connection to what I’m wanting to create, I can articulate it more clearly in words. I’ll probably write out my strategy and tactics in a creative way, too, and have some images as well.

How do you plan out your business and personal goals? What if the process was more fun and engaging? What else would be possible for you if you let your creativity and intuition run wild?

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, business planning, right-brain business plan, art visioning, expressive arts coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurship, collage, book arts, accordion book[/tags]

Clarity Collage – AEDM Day 17/18


Well, I must admit that I’ve really been challenged these last couple of days keeping up with the Art Every Day. A symptom of having too much on my plate this week. Ever have one of those weeks where you have something going on every single night? For a gal who typically maxes out at one social activity a week, it’s been exhausting. I’ve enjoyed catching up with friends, connecting with colleagues and leading meetings. And, I know I really need to carve out time for just me this week.

I actually created this collage yesterday at our second Creative Playground meeting. We gathered at Pamela’s lovely treehouse-like home for an afternoon of collaging and connection. We each found a few hours of refuge from our hectic schedules and relished in our collective creative flow.

The last several collage pieces I’ve done have been on smaller, portable surfaces (like on my dream box and my Unfolding Your Life Vision book), so I appreciated the freedom of working on a larger surface. I was drawn to spacious images and a mix of solitude, playfulness and community. When I shared my finished piece, my friends commented that the images had such clarity and, even though there was a lot going on, it had boundaries. That related very much to what is showing up in my life right now. So even as I seek out community, this visual reminds me to consciously protect my personal time to make sure I recharge and rejuvenate. I’m looking forward to a lighter, more spacious week!

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, collage[/tags]

The Creative Connection – AEDM Day 15


In the half hour before leading a call today about Expressive Arts Coaching, a wave of anxiety came over me. Gremlins were hard at work grilling me… “What makes you think you can talk about this or that anyone would be interested in what you have to say? Do you even know what you’re going to say?!” and on and on.

Instead of getting sucked into the fear, I allowed myself to express it on paper in the form of colors and lines – a way to be with it, honor it and release it and, in fact, practice an exercise I was about to take the participants through on the call. I scribbled the nervousness and doubt and then did some movement around it. I then wrote the words “angst, confusion, scared/pit of stomach” on the back of the drawing.

Flipping the paper over again and looking at it anew I saw, instead of inner turmoil, a glowing fire with sparks flying. I laughed to myself realizing that we titled the call Firing up Coaching with Expressive Arts.


My perspective shifted to see my fear as passion and excitement as I stepped into something new and invited others to play with me. The image evolved more into a celebration and I found new words to describe my experience of it, “release, passion/fire, disseminating, firing it up, sparks, flow, dynamic.”

My friend Jamie and I had been exchanging e-mails this week about Natalie Roger’s book “The Creative Connection” and her concept of using the interplay of creative modalities like visual art, dance and poetry to deepen our experience and self-exploration. How each medium builds on the other and gives us new perspectives. This was so helpful for getting me in the right space to lead the call. And when we did the exercise together as a group, it was fun and enlivening for all. I’m excited about the community that’s gathering around this idea of consciously weaving expressive arts into coaching to move ourselves and our clients forward.


Also had my last session of the felted baskets class tonight. I still need to finish decreasing and then of course, try my hand at felting. I can’t wait to see what the end product looks like!

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, expressive arts coaching, art visioning, coaching, knitting[/tags]

Road Block and Release – AEDM Day 14


Man, it’s getting hard for me to keep up with the Art Every Day. I notice that I’ve been waiting to the very last minute to squeeze something in before the night is up. Which makes me realize how easy it is for me, under normal circumstances, to let it slide… Oh, I’ll just do something creative later on today, or maybe tomorrow, or when I’m inspired, or… and then I don’t make anything for long periods of time. Even though I’m feeling overwhelmed and challenged during this commitment to art making every day this month, I have really appreciated being more aware of my creative process and allowing myself to simply experience.

Driving into the city tonight was a nightmare. The sea of red brake lights snaked on for miles. I felt trapped, stuck and frustrated. I worried about not being prepared enough for a call I’m leading tomorrow, I got mad at myself for not leaving my house earlier, I was tired, drained, overwhelmed and was sucked into the feeling of “road block.” Hence the bleak, angry image above.


Fortunately, when I finally arrived at my destination (albeit an hour late!) I was so relieved to have made it to the SF Coaches meeting. The group was halfway through introductions which included sharing something you’re grateful for in honor of Thanksgiving. As each person shared all the wonderful gifts in their life, emotion swelled within me. I was touched by all the things people were opening up to and manifesting in their life and it got me to reflect on how blessed I am with all that I have in my life. Those earlier feelings of frustration, stuckness and gloom melted away. And in its place, joy and fulfillment resonated. It’s amazing how by being surrounded by people living on purpose and by naming what I’m grateful for I quickly tapped back into my higher self.

What road blocks easily trigger you and how do you get past them? How do you connect back with your higher self?

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, SF Coaches, expressive arts coaching, art visioning[/tags]

Out of the Box Part II – AEDM Day 10


Today I was at It’s Yoga again leading the dream box workshop for the weekend teacher trainers. Cozying up with crafts and some cool jazz was the perfect antidote to the pouring rain outside. I can’t believe that I get to say this is my “work!” – it’s so much fun and I love helping people tap into their inner teacher and creative wisdom.


The snapshot above is of one of the student’s dream boxes. She wants to create a green yoga studio in her community to bring together yogis in a beautiful, peaceful and sustainable environment. I want to come visit!


Now that I’m home, I realized I needed to do my art for today. So, I decided to do the final steps of my dream box that I created yesterday. In my workshops, I have participants write their dream on a lavender card (honoring Larry Schultz‘s lavender dream pillow). So, I wrote my dream of bringing a new approach called Art Visioning or Expressive Arts Coaching to the coaching profession at large (including writing a book and offering training on how to use creativity to manifest your vision and dreams).

I then used small cards in the colors of the chakras to write down strengths I see in myself. That way, if I’m ever doubting my dream, I can pull out a strength card and remember that I call on this quality to keep me moving forward. I had fun doodling some images to go with the words.

What strengths can you draw on in yourself to keep you connected to your dream? If you’re having trouble thinking of any strengths, ask someone close to you for their insights. Often times others are able to see things we don’t see in ourselves.

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, It’s Yoga, Law of Attraction, dream box, art visioning, expressive arts coaching[/tags]

Out of the Box – AEDM Day 9


I have two back-to-back dream box workshops at It’s Yoga. Just got back from the one today with the 28-day Teacher Trainers and had such a blast with them. Each group has it’s own energy and this one felt gentle, inviting and playful. I loved hearing about all their different dreams including opening up a retreat center in the woods, singing opera and much more!

I dove right in, too, and made my own dream box this time. This new box is about being a leader in Expressive Arts Coaching. Participating in the Art Every Day Month challenge has been a great way to really get my creative juices flowing and I’m so excited about where this new direction is taking me in the coaching community.


Back to the yoga studio tomorrow for the weekend warriors!

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, It’s Yoga Teacher Training, dream box, Law of Attraction, Expressive Arts Coaching, art visioning[/tags]

Modeling Clay Metamorphosis – AEDM Day 6


Another day, another medium. I noticed this afternoon that I had some hints of feeling blue and the urge to just curl up in bed (which I did for a bit and it was just what I needed!). Must be anxiety about a couple of big things I have coming up in the next few days. So, I thought I’d work with those emotions in my artwork for Day 6.

I started off molding the clay into a figure curled up ball with hands cradling the head. That’s basically how I felt earlier today. And knowing that I have the option to change my perspective (like I did with my Day 2 piece), I wanted to also play with transforming that same piece of clay into a more expansive, open and confident figure. So, I spent a few minutes consciously reshaping it into the figure below which felt much more inviting and full of possibilities. A much better place to come from as I lead my first Ladies Who Launch Incubator tonight!


Leah (the creator of Art Every Day Month) had a great post today about “Digging into Defining Beliefs.” She shares about her own journey of uncovering her limiting beliefs and doubts and how she has come so far since. She’s got some great examples of how to reshape your own thinking to be more positive, productive and affirming. Just what I needed for today :)! And I love her encouragement to just keep creating and putting yourself out there without apology!

[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month, expressive arts coaching, art visioning[/tags]

Seeing Different Perspectives – AEDM Day 2


Day 2 of NaBloPoMo and Art Every Day Month! My intent for this piece was just to take up the whole space with oil pastels. The end result is nothing like what I envisioned in my mind, but I like that something completely new emerged.

My friend Dorie, an Expressive Arts Therapist in training, shared with me that during her art making she takes photos to capture the progression of the piece. I thought that would be interesting to play with here…

uylv-aedm-02a1.jpg uylv-aedm-02b1.jpg
uylv-aedm-02c1.jpg uylv-aedm-02d1.jpg

I also started to rotate the page as I filled in all the white space, to discover how I might want to add more color and lines. It was cool to notice how shifting the angle changed my perspective.

If I hold an inquiry (such as “What would more balance in my life look like?”) as I ponder the different points of view, I can be open to new ways of responding.

In the top horizontal version, the yellow center looks like an eye, so I could choose to have more “focus” on what I am doing.


But as I rotated it clockwise, I started to see a woman with her hair flipped out over her shoulders and talking on a phone. Perhaps, I can seek out more girl-talk with my friends.


From this angle, the yellow and blue circles seem to be lying next to each other or embracing. I could spend more quality time with my husband.


And in this view, I can see a candle flame flickering with smoke wisping above which makes me imagine lighting a candle and meditating or another way of looking at it is to follow my passion.

See how there are so many more options made available by accessing my creative wisdom??

What do you notice by shifting your perspective? What new choices, options or innovative solutions surface from your intuition? Playing with different perspectives is a powerful coaching skill and it helps us to get unstuck. In fact, in my coaching, I use a tool from Karin Bauer, creator of Guidance Cards, which can be used to help clients uncover new ways of seeing a situation.

Try on a new point of view today!

[tags]NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month, Art Every Day Month, art visioning, expressive arts coaching, coaching[/tags]

The Art of Unfolding… My New Coaching Brand


I’m excited to announce that I’ve launched my new coaching brand, Artizen Coaching: The art of unfolding your life vision.

I wanted an updated brand that captured my creative, playful side as well as my naturally “Zen” state. And, thanks to Claire Fontana at Pitch Agent, the new name Artizen Coaching was born. (Also thanks to my husband who took the gorgeous main photo on the home page plus many of the pics throughout and who helped me develop the site).

After several painstaking years of wondering how to better incorporate my coaching with art and creativity, it feels good to have found a way to more fully express what I’m about and how I help women awaken their inner muse.

Going through a branding process is a great way to reflect on who you are, what you want to bring to the world and what your authentic voice is. Even if you don’t have your own business, per se, I love the idea that everyone is their own “Me Inc.” How are you representing your own “Me Inc.’s” values, vision and mission? How are you being the “CEO” of your own life?

[tags]Artizen Coaching, coaching, expressive arts coaching, branding[/tags]