AEDM Day 21: Fall Leaves

While walking Emmett this evening, a tree caught my eye.  The golden leaves looked so stunning against the midnight blue of the sky.   That inspired my art for today.

I recently finished Keri Smith’s latest book How to be an Explorer of the World and enjoyed her simple suggestions for appreciating the beauty all around us in our day-to-day lives.  She encourages us to pay attention to our senses.  As an “N” (Intuiting preference) on the MBTI, I tend to notice patterns, themes and meaning – more of the intangible qualities.  What I got out of reading this book were ideas to cultivate more “S” (Sensing) ways of taking in information like observing specific, concrete details and literal data.

I gathered fallen leaves and then took them home to do crayon rubbings. I practiced my sensing muscle by trying to describe specific details like color and texture.  I look forward to more exploration of the world!

AEDM Day 20: Colors and Lines

A simple doodle tonight.  Brian started it off with a scribble which I then turned into this shape and filled in with color.  A nice, quick exercise!

And how cute is this?  I met with a woman named Kimiko Sakuma this afternoon to share ideas with her about how to incorporate art and creativity with her instructional design background.  As a thank you she made me this super sweet and thoughtful card and treat!

AEDM Day 19: Book Sell Sheet Part II

So, I kept the commitment that I made in yesterday’s post to spend the afternoon today doing work related to the book.  I printed out drafts, organized my book binder and did some writing.  I also did the second side of the future book sell sheet.  I based it on the format of the other examples my book coach provided me but added a creative touch.

Feels good to have made more progress on my project.  And as luck would have it, our guest speaker at the SF Coaches meeting talked about the process she went through writing her book.  She had a friend call her each morning to hold her accountable!  She also shared how she helped her clients finish their books and other creative projects by simply taking small steps.  It could be just writing one paragraph each day and then slowly working up to a page per day.  Or spending 15 minutes a day painting.  Before you know it, you’ll be farther along that you every thought you could be!  I like that approach.

AEDM Day 18: Book Sell Sheet Part I

We just had our Ladies Who Launch Oakland member meeting tonight.  I invited bestselling author and publishing expert Jennifer Basye Sander to give us insider tips on how to get published.  Writing and publishing seem to be in the air.  On Thursday, I’ll be participating in a call “Ask the Author: Writing/Coaching” through the Creative Artists community that I co-lead on the Co-Active Network.  Plus, several of my clients happen to be working on books and I’m slowly plugging away at my own book.

A couple of months ago my book coach suggested that I do a visionboard-esque sell sheet for my book to help inspire me.  She sent me a few examples of traditional sell sheets and encouraged me to make one with my own creative flair.  So, that’s what I took on for my art for today.  I’m also working on the back side that has more details like bio, media and marketing highlights and testimonials.  Last year, I made a fake book jacket and that manifested in being featured in two books this year.  So, I’m hoping that by creating this visual reminder for myself, I’ll be more focused on my writing and finishing the rest of the draft.

I enjoy writing when I allow myself to jump in and be in the flow.  It’s just a matter of making that time and energy commitment.  As I reflect on passing the AEDM half-way point, I notice that I habitually save the art for the end of the day.  No wonder why, under normal day-to-day circumstances, art-making falls by the way side.  Same with the writing.  It doesn’t happen unless I carve out time on my calendar (and turn off my e-mail!!).  So, tomorrow I’m blocking out noon to 4:00pm to spend on writing and book-related work in preparation for my weekly 9:00am Thursday check-in with my ever-so-patient book coach.

P.S. – The Tuesday Kiss the Paper posts are up.  My question to the sisters this week was, “What do you wish for your sister?”

AEDM Day 17: Elements Mind Map

I’m still trying to figure out what I want to put on the pages of the Exploding Box I made yesterday.  I made a visual mind map of some ideas (from a book called The Art of Ritual) that would fit the structure of the four sections.  During the leadership program I went through, every morning we practiced a ritual that honored the four directions and seasons.  It was a symbolic way to start the day. I’m still in the middle of my creative process around how I want to complete this project, so I’ll sleep on it and see what comes up tomorrow!

AEDM Day 16: The Exploding Box

exploding box

Today’s creation: the “exploding box.”  After seeing my Unfolding Your Life Vision collage books and my collaged dream boxes, a lady launcher made me one of these surprising structures since she knew I would appreciate it.  I love how the box is simple yet complex. And that it unfolds!

I tried to follow a pattern that I found online.  However, I don’t do so well with measurements and instructions, so I ended up just reverse engineering it from the one I already had.

exploding box

I haven’t figured out yet how I want to decorate the inside pages.  I might play with seasons, directions, elements and/or stages of my life.  I’ll save that for another AEDM post!  What fun!

Speaking of fun, I had my friends over for book club this afternoon.  We dined outside in the warm sun and chatted a bit about Jodi Picoult’s page-turner My Sister’s Keeper, but mostly we just gabbed.  I love the excuse to get together and catch up.

P.S. – Some of you have asked for instructions to make an exploding box.  I found another link that looks like it makes more sense than the one I tried to use, so check out these directions.

P.P.S – Here’s a link to my finished Year-in-Review exploding box.

AEDM Day 15: Anger

expressive arts coaching - anger

The night was going along so well.  Made dinner and was having a mellow evening just vegging out with Brian.  Catching up on some TV and actually not working on a weekend.  Next thing I know we get into a tiff over something small that of course snowballs into something big.  (Funny, I think it started off with him reminding me that I have to do my art post for today and me complaining about how I didn’t want to do it!).  Snippy tones are used back and forth.  He leaves the room.  I get livid.

Now, anger is one of those emotions that we tend to stuff down.  Or we put entirely on other people rather than owning our part in it.  You know, “Oh, he made me soooo mad!”  When I’m coaching, I see clients not allow themselves to fully experience their anger.  Instead of the anger going away, it usually builds up until things get so bad they can’t take it anymore.  To practice giving ourselves permission to fully be with the anger and let it pass through us in a healthy way, I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs along with clients, we’ve stomped our feet on the ground together, we’ve punched pillows.  We usually end up laughing when we’re through, surprised at how good it feels to let it all out!

Remembering that, I spy my sneakers on the floor and get the impulse to pick one up and hurl it toward the floor.  Smack!  Ah, that felt good. I picked up the other one and threw it on the ground, too.  Thud! Wham!  I could feel the energy moving out of my body.

And then it dawned on me to express the rest of my lingering anger through art.  I unpeeled the wrapper on my red oil pastel so I could smear the whole thing on a big sheet of paper.  As I press the crayon hard onto the page, it snaps into smaller pieces.  I smear the crimson shards with my palm across the paper, feeling the heat build up from the friction.  I scratch my nails like claws down the page.  It’s a frenzy of color, lines and textures.  I finish it off by crumpling the paper into a ball with a grunt!

After all that, I do feel better.  There is a release and I am able to move on.  So, I should probably go upstairs and not only apologize to Brian but also thank him for reminding me the importance of doing my art!

AEDM Day 14: Bright Blossoms

I had my chiro appointment today with my friend Dr. Liz Dobbins at her beautiful space Shine Chiropractic on Piedmont Avenue.  Whenever I’m in her office, I’m uplifted by her positive energy and zest for life.  With the vivid artwork adorning her walls and array of color coordinated accessories (from purple pens and tables, to yellow clipboards and cute wastebaskets), her space definitely reflects her bright spirit.  I love when people’s expression of themselves extends so clearly into their physical space.  This quick doodle in oil pastels captures the aliveness and peace I feel when I’m there.

AEDM Day 11: What I Love About Me

Tonight’s art is inspired by my week four question to Kate and Molly on the sisters’ blog Kiss The Paper.  This week’s prompt is “What do you love most about you?” as a follow up to last week’s prompt “What do you love most about your sister?”  It’s been so cool to witness the amazing creations from this dynamic duo!  Makes me wish I had a sister!

I had fun answering the same question as my Art Every Day challenge for Day 11.  You can click on the image above to see a larger version.

I’d love to hear… What do you love most about YOU?