Just a quick post tonight as I get this in under the wire. I decided to spend some time reflecting in my visual journal about participating in AEDM. This challenge has definitely stretched me to try new things! I’ve loved playing with different and surprising materials – like beeswax, plasticine and beads – each day.
I’ve loved expanding my view of art and creativity and focusing more on my process than worrying about what the end result looks like. For someone who grew up drawing things to look exactly like the picture I was copying, this adventure in simply creating is quite liberating. Over the past few years, I’ve allowed myself to create from a more free flowing, uncensored place. I know the more I do that, the more I can use art to fully self-express myself rather than trying to look a certain way.
Throughout AEDM and NaBloPoMo, I’ve also enjoyed discovering more bloggers and feeling part of a larger community. I look forward to continuing to connect with all these creative souls! Now time for bed!
[tags]National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, Art Every Day Month[/tags]