On Wednesday, I was live on a local San Francisco TV talk show The View From The Bay. I talked with co-hosts Spencer Christian and Janelle Wang about balancing acts for busy moms (you can watch it here). Janelle, Spencer and everyone at the studio are so incredibly nice which made the whole experience even that much more enjoyable. I am extremely grateful to the several Lady Launchers who cheered me on from the studio audience and to Adryenn Ashley who was by my side backstage for extra moral support.
Over the past couple of days, I’ve reflected on a few important lessons that this experience underscores for me. These lessons include the power of:
- Visioning and writing things down
- Showing up
- Taking care of myself.
Lesson 1: Visioning and writing things down. Being on The View From The Bay was one of my goals for this year. I wrote about it in a letter to myself from the future. Also, in the marketing section my Right-Brain Business Plan, I included “be on The View From The Bay this year using creativity to get clear on vision.” You bet I was excited that I got to show an Unfolding Your Life Vision collage book as one of the tips on getting more balanced!
Right before the Sacramento & Co. show and VFTB, I even wrote on my wish cards to get clear about how I wanted to show up. My visions for each appearance included descriptions like being calm, comfortable, poised, engaging, informative, personable, positive, clear, present, relaxed, and inspiring. I brought my cards with me and also printed out of all the lovely comments and e-mails people shared from the Sacramento show to help ground me. It was really cool to get feedback afterward that was very much in alignment with my intention.
Lesson 2: Showing up. A few people have asked me how did I get on the show. It started simply by showing up! Adryenn sometimes gets tickets to the studio audience, so when she offered tickets at the end of September, I said, “Yes!” I was a geek and read up on the show and the hosts before I went. I didn’t know this, but on commercial breaks they ask the audience trivia questions. I actually won a prize because I got one of the questions right from reading the bios and I got to wave into the camera! After the show, I had Adryenn introduce me to Janelle and I gave her one of my Unfolding Your Life Vision Kits. Adryenn highly encouraged me to come back the next day and I did. To my surprise, Janelle remembered me! She said she had a story idea and to come see her after the show! I worked with Adryenn to develop a formal pitch, sent it in and then was asked to be on for the end of October. It all happened in about a week!
Lesson 3: Taking care of myself. I really had to pay attention to this since I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone. The day before the show, I was starting to get anxious so I made sure to go to yoga. After class I felt so much more grounded, focused and ready to prep for the next day. The day of the show, while I was in the green room, there was a moment where this introvert/HSP got too overwhelmed by all the talking that I had to go find a quiet spot to just sit and breathe. It definitely helped me center right before going on.
Lots of great learnings here from a truly wonderful experience! I loved being on the show and getting to share tips and ideas about something I’m passionate about. I hope to be on again and to also venture into other shows, too… like Martha and Oprah, of course! I’m including that in my next future letter to myself and on my new Right-Brain Business Plan!
Congratulations on manifesting your dreams. I wish I could see the show -View From The Bay. I know you were amazing. I am affirming that I get to see you on Oprah, Martha Stewart, and other national/international shows in 2009 and beyond. WOO HOO!
Thanks for sharing your three lessons. I am glad yoga and breathing helped you take care of yourself.
Your three lessons reminded me of what I did with my dear sistalove yogini Mari on New Year’s Eve last year. We met for a healthy dinner before a midnight yoga class and spent time doing writing exercises on visioning our goals for 2008, five years, and ten years. Mari led our journal adventures and designed a quarterly check in plan via phone. My journal adventures helped me write out clear goal statements. Two of my goals were to show up and take better care of myself by using what I teach my clients: yoga, breathing, Reiki, meditation, and journaling. Mari and I agreed to do the same thing this year.