I’m Gonna be a Published Author! Hooray!


Just like there was a time when I didn’t think of myself as an artist, an entrepreneur, a good coach, or a leader, I had blocks around calling myself a writer or, dare I say it … an author. Over the years, I’ve stepped more fully and confidently into each of these roles and own that I am all of them and more. And now, I’m super excited to share that I’m going to be a published author! I just signed a contract with the awesome and inspiring New World Library – publisher of many of my favorite books. The Right-Brain Business Plan will come out in early 2011. It will take you through a creative, visual process for planning your business and will include full-color photos of featured Right-Brain Business Plans and fun illustrated “playsheets.” I am absolutely thrilled!!! Yahoo!

I remember about ten years ago, I was in my first coach’s living room brainstorming my life plan with her. I declared that I would love to write a book some day. I had no idea what it would be about nor did I even consider myself a writer. I just knew it was something I eventually wanted to do. I thought that it might be about business or organizational change (my interest at the time) but my coach had an inkling it would be something creative. Well, it turns out we were both right given that I’m writing a book about creative entrepreneurship!

It’s been an interesting journey so far. The creative and visual methods I’m writing about have served as important tools for manifesting this dream. In January of 2007, I mocked up the back cover of the book I was thinking of writing. Having a prototype helped to inspire me and connect me with my vision. The crazy thing was that in less than 24 hours after I had the idea to do the book cover, I got an e-mail from author Caitlin Friedman asking me if I wanted to be interviewed for their next Girl’s Guide book about careers! That was my first taste of being in print.

Later on in 2007, I started working with my fabulous book coach Jan King, but soon got sidetracked by other projects. Seeing Jan again at the 2008 eWomen Network conference in Dallas reignited my passion for pursuing the book and I flew home journaling about how I was ready to be an author. I set a goal to attend the Book Expo with Jan the following year. I plugged away at the book and even attended a writer’s retreat earlier this year.

In May of 2009, I headed out to New York for BEA with a proposal and sell sheet in hand (for a totally different book idea, mind you – it’ll just be my next one, heehee!). At the last minute I decided to create a sell sheet for my Right-Brain Business Plan idea, too, and I’m glad I did as that’s the one that consistently generated the most interest from the publishers I met. When I got back, I put together a proposal and sample chapters for the Right-Brain Business Plan and sent it out. I received my first rejection letter the following week. It sure stung even though I knew it came with the territory.

During the months of waiting to hear back from publishers, I took SARK’s Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper workshop. I loved crafting my writer’s wo-manifesto in the class. And as one of my micromovements, I updated my “I’m a published author” vision board on my iPhone (thanks to the fabulous Carla White’s Vision Board app). I included photos of my sell sheet, writer’s wo-manifesto, and me with some of my favorite writers, plus some affirmations. This kept me motivated and inspired.

After all that waiting and waiting, I was super excited to get the call from my publisher the other month with the good news and I’m psyched to finally make the official announcement! I still have plenty of work ahead of me to finish the manuscript and pull together all of the artwork. Luckily I have so many wonderful people supporting me and I’m extremely grateful to have all of their help and encouragement. I’ve been getting a kick out of the many virtual happy dances I’ve been doing with everyone to celebrate!

This is an exciting new chapter in my life and business and I look forward to how the story continues to unfold.

17 thoughts on “I’m Gonna be a Published Author! Hooray!”

  1. Well deserved – how utterly exciting. Publication is on my goal list for 2010 – although I’m aiming for an article – not a book:) I’m so excited to see how this all plays out.

  2. Dearest Jennifer, You are such a grand inspiration! I have been visiting your website and blog religiously for a year now and I always love all of the encouragement you put out into the world. I am still working on my Maternal Lineage manuscript and today, I am feeling more inspired than ever because you are becoming an author! Congratulations! I have already made an accordion of my manuscript goals and I have bought your Right Brain Business Plan. I look forward to your published book and your e-course! Keep up the great work because I look forward to reading all about your accomplishments! After I complete my own manuscript by August 2010, I plan on making an art journal using Tiffany & Company’s Little Blue Book Journal which I’ve bought to open on this Christmas Eve. You inspired me to make an art journal after your thirty days of art challenge! Once again, Congratulations and Thank You so very much for being a great creative inspiration for so many of us! Yours Most Sincerely, Mrs. Camille Hurlburt, Thee Duchess Saturday!

  3. Love the vision board, my dear! It’s exciting to see how it all is coming together. I’m so happy for you. You worked so hard for this. Well done. Celebrate!

  4. Congratulations, Jenn!! this is such awesome news and so very well-deserved!! i’m a huge fan of your Right-Brain Business Plan…can’t wait to see it expanded to book form. what a wonderful way to cap your year! congrats! xo

  5. I am soooo excited for you, Jenn!! Your book sounds unbelievable. I know it will transform so many lives – much like how you’ve transformed mine :)! YAY!!

  6. That is so exciting! I love what you said at the beginning of your post about stepping into roles that you at first didn’t think of yourself in that way. I had a conversation about that very thing with my group of grad advisors this week about how I need to step into the role of “yes, this is me, I am an authentic (fill in the blank)”. This post is helping me to reinforce that idea. Today, I was published for the very first time ever! It was in Jeff Davis’ Yoga as Muse newsletter, which if I wasn’t thinking about it, I would say doesn’t really matter. But nope, your post reminds me that it does matter. Every little step, even if it’s a small one, matters. So many congrats to you, You are an inspiration!

  7. Jennifer ~ you have such a beautiful spirit and I seriously
    can’t wait to purchase a copy of your book ~ I am sure
    it will be a delight and inspiration for me on my business

    Your lovely spirit will continue to attract beautiful
    things in life of this I am sure


  8. Congratulations on making your vision become a reality! Inspiring! Thanks for the little reminder to never give up and keeping your vision clear.

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