Awards, Abundance and Asanas


(Apparently an adorer of alliteration according to the post title! Heehee!) I’m a little behind in blogland and there’s so much to catch up on! First off, awards…. I’m so incredibly honored to receive a “You Make My Day” award from three of my very favorite bloggers: Jamie, Leah and Marilyn. You guys inspire me every time I read what you’re up to. You are at the top of my list for my “You Make My Day” award recipients. So right back acha!

Here are the rules:

Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!

In addition to Jamie, Leah and Marilyn (I’ve linked to some of their other sites so you can see more awesome stuff that they’re up to!), the following lovely souls make my day: Serendipity Squared, Invisible Lives, Under a Pink Sky, Be Alive Believe Be You, Diary of a Self Portrait, and The Skeptic Yogi.

Speaking of yoga, I am so happy that I re-discovered my practice. And what great timing considering I just stumbled upon World Yoga Practice Month where you practice yoga everyday in January! Also, yesterday my friend Brad, who I met at a dream box workshop I led for It’s Yoga, sent me some super cool information on a new yoga teacher training he’s created. It’s called the Yoga Exploratorium at Yoga Sol. Imagine learning about asanas, meditation, anatomy, etc. in a fun, hands-on environment like SF’s Exploratorium. The first line of the course description says it all, “Yoga is curiosity & a creative process.”

And as for abundance, wow, 2008 is off to a fantastic start. I’m ever so grateful! I’m working with amazing clients, I just gave a talk on Wednesday about creative goal-setting at a networking group and in the next two weeks I’m off to DC to help facilitate Quest and then Cleveland for my official Ladies Who Launch leader training. The rest of the month is going to be filled to the brim, so I must remember to build in some recoup time, too. Ahhhh!

7 thoughts on “Awards, Abundance and Asanas”

  1. Jenn, thank you for the award! Honored is an understatement. 😉 I recently came across your blog through Jamie and Leah and I absolutely love it here!! Thank you so much for the award. You make my day too. 🙂

  2. Jenn, thanks so much for the award! I’m so glad that you’re here in the blogosphere. You light it right up!

    And congrats on all the successes and a great start to the new year!

    sending you big hugs!

  3. Yeah! Sooo happy to make your day! Makes my own written thoughts feel so much more impactful when I hear from others. Thanks so much for the kind thoughts!


  4. this made my heart smile…thank you for such an honor. the award means so much coming from such an inspiring girl like yourself! xo

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