Before embarking on our Alaskan cruise, Brian and I visited one of my dear friends from Leadership, Lisa and her family in Seattle. I hadn’t seen Lisa in about a year and a half, so I really enjoyed catching up in person and hearing about how well her life is going. And I hadn’t seen her daughter Willow in more than two years. She is a real sweetheart and has the cutest smile and laugh.
We went to a park near Washington Lake where many families were barbequeing, swimming and having a good ole time. Willow peddled her Radio Flyer tricycle around the trails and played on the slides and swings. Lisa even showed us the Willow tree she and her husband Kelly planted for Willow on the banks of the lake. Kelly is a helicopter instructor and while we were playing with Willow at home, we heard a helicopter hover over the house. At dinner we found out that it was indeed Kelly circling overhead to say “Hello!”
On Sunday, Lisa took us out to the Fremont fair where we browsed many booths of unique and artistic wares. Fremont is a funky little part of Seattle. It even boasts a neon Rapunzel sign with blond hair hanging outside the window of the draw bridge leading into the town. I loved the neighborhood tour of the city and getting a taste of Lisa in her element. What a treat.
[tags]travel, Seattle[/tags]