The last three days I’ve been assisting in CTI‘s Fulfillment coaching training course in San Rafael. It’s been about four years since I went through the course, so I really enjoyed reviewing the material from a whole new perspective. As an assistant, we’re there to hold the space for the leaders and participants to make it the best learning experience possible.
One of the things I appreciated most from the back-of-the-room vantage point was getting to witness the individual transformations of each participant as they not only mastered these new skills over the course of 3-days, but also in how they were able to find ways to get past their saboteurs to move toward their dreams. By the end of today, the room was full of so much positive resonance my heart felt expanded.
I also really got a lot out of observing the dynamics of the group and how the leaders co-led together. I’m taking with me lots of learnings to the Cheryl’s Dreaming Big leadership retreats that I co-lead with Brighid. The main lesson being to trust the process and that the participants are getting out of it what they need in this moment.
The other take-away I had was total confirmation that I really love this work and CTI’s co-active coaching model AND that one of my big dreams is to lead for CTI one day, too!
[tags]life coaching, The Coaches Training Institute, co-active[/tags]