Yesterday, I received an amazing e-mail from a complete stranger. A woman named Dee contacted me to let me know that she had a clipping of an LA Times article from April 2, 1967 that mentioned my grandpa, Ernest Fukuda. He’s the one wearing the bow-tie in the photo above. (He wore bow-ties a lot and always left the house with a hat. How dapper!)
Dee wrote that her mother had saved articles that she found interesting and that she recently discovered this clipping among her mother’s things. After reading this story about a ballot measure that my grandfather helped petition for, Dee was curious to learn of the outcome. She did a search and found my post about my grandpa about how he helped the amendment to pass so that Japanese-American Los Angeles DWP employees who were removed from their jobs during the WW2 internment would receive years of continuous service toward their retirement plan.
I’m very grateful that Dee was so kind to scan in the article and send it to me. Thank you, Dee for sharing this meaningful piece of history with my family. We will treasure it!
Dee is a very nice person. Nice people should be rewarded with special treatment. The world needs more Nice.
Good for you!
What a priceless gift…
This is so cool…
What a great story. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone were like Dee? I must be dreaming …l
wow, what a great story!!!
that is so wonderful! hooray to Dee for finding your blog post and sending along a copy of the clipping. the Universe rewarded her for her curiousity in the outcome of the original article and now she is a part of story =-)
i love it!!
The world is getting smaller with the WWW! How nice of Dee to follow through and
contact you and thank you for sharing all this with the family. Would love to read
the article some time. I also have found some news clippings from Grandpa that I
will share with you. You can be our family historian!! Good work, keep it up!!
So interesting and inspiring….!
I would like to invite you to Wrecking Sisters reunited
Please stop by if you would like be a part of the fun
Hey Jenn. Amazing story! By the way, I took your book suggestion and ordered The Whuffie Factor by Tara Hunt a few weeks ago. I have been reading it religiously for the past week and a half. It is feeding my social media soul. Thanks so much. I needed to read this one just like the Karma Queens book. You always have great recommendations.We will have much to chat about when you come to DC in October. Tea at Teaism … It’s on me! Many blessings. Enjoy your day. Peace and Joy, Ananda
PS: You and Jamie really convinced me to do more vlogging! I love it. It is much easier that typing when you are busy!
What a wonderful gesture! Just goes to show how each of us has the opportunity to share some kindness… thanks for sharing the story and brightening my day. 🙂