Secret #2: Honoring Your Inspirations

This week in the 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women Next Chapter book club, we’re exploring how to honor your creative inspirations.   At the end of this section the author provides some questions to reflect on:

When did your creative awakening or reawakening occur?

I’ve always been creative. However, during high school in my advanced art class, I shut down because I was constantly comparing myself to my classmates.  They seemed to create amazing, imaginative pieces and I was only good at “copying” things.  I hadn’t yet found my voice.

I hadn’t painted in many years and I decided to create something just from an image in my head.  I used to draw everything precisely in pencil before painting.  This time, I did a rough sketch, but really let the brushstrokes just go wherever they were compelled to go.  It felt good to just freely create.  That painting still hangs in my bedroom.  I eventually started to do more expressive art just for the process not the end result.  I finally stepped into calling myself an artist and an entrepreneur.  My next creative edge is stepping into being an author!

What talents do you have, naturally?

I’m intuitive. I am a deep listener.  I’m sensitive. I bring quiet, stillness and reflection.  I create beauty.  I’m playful.

Which elements (fire, water, wood, air) draw you toward them?

Water for its flowing gracefulness and association with emotion.  Air for breath and also because it’s light and intangible.  Fire scares me (I have to use one of those kitchen lighter gadgets because I’m afraid I’m going to burn myself striking a match!).  I know that I could use more fire in my life.

Where and when do you create?  Where and when do you wish to create?

My kitchen table is my “craft room/studio” at the moment and I do lots of creative work at my computer.  I would love to have a studio in my backyard one of these days.   I would also love to participate in more and lead creative retreats in nature – like in the woods or in Hawaii!

What activates your creative energy?

Beauty, spaciousness, color, nature, nourishing my Inner Muse, finding ways to integrate different ideas, connecting with other creative people, yoga, mediation, reading, seeing and experiencing art, picking up supplies and just doing something!  Seeing people going after their dreams (BTW, a guilty pleasure – I just watched the Beat Freaks on America’s Best Dance Crew and these talented ladies kicked butt and definitely inspired me!).

What drains it?

Being overwhelmed, not taking care of myself, being distracted by clutter, comparing myself to others, not allowing myself to fully shine because I’m worried about what others will think, making things too complicated or trying to make things perfect, doing too many things for other people.

Do you use creative rituals?  Which ones?

As the book suggested, I have altars throughout my house.  The photo above is a detail from the one in my guest room/meditation/yoga room.  I also journal pretty regularly in the morning.

Does nature influence your creativity?  How?

Definitely!  The beauty of nature connects me to something bigger than myself.

What has been your greatest creative hurdle so far?

So far, I’d say developing my coaching brand.  I tortured myself for more than a year trying to articulate what I stood for.  So much questioning if I was going to get it right.  So many times I was ready to just give up and stick with my old, safe and generic brand with just a face lift.  It felt vulnerable to bring a more personal and authentic expression into my work.

What time of day are you most receptive to inspiration?

My creative sparks come at any time of the day (or night!).  Random inspiration hits me while walking my dog.  The key for me is writing it down or acting on it right away while I’m inspired, otherwise the idea looses steam and gets lost amongst my day-to-day activity.   I love having those light bulb moments!

Be sure to listen to this week’s interview with domestic diva Suzie Ridler.  I loved what she had to say about honoring her inspirations and giving herself permission to have her creativity show up in unexpected ways.

Secret #1: Acknowledging Your Creative Self

This week we’re exploring Secret #1: Acknowledging Your Creative Self from the Next Chapter book selection “The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women.”

I’ve always known that I am creative.  I loved to paint and draw as a kid. I love doing creative projects and artsy craftsy stuff.  I take in the world with grace and sensitivity.  And yet, it was not until a few years ago that I really, truly acknowledged and gave voice to my authentic creative self.  That wise, intuitive part of me that feels compelled to express herself, to make beauty in the world and to live a life in full color.  I refer to my creative self as my Inner Muse.  And her name is Sparkling Sage.

When author Gail McMeekin shared, “I needed to stop competing in the corporate world and reconnect with my artistic, intuitive feminine self,” I recalled those first inklings.  In my pre-work-for-myself-life, I didn’t fully trust my Inner Muse.  In fact, I don’t even know if I knew she was there!  I ignored her whispers in my ear and instead worked more hours so I could get that next promotion.  I placated myself by reasoning that I did creative things on the side.  But through all those years, my full creative self was stifled.  I always felt like something was missing or that I didn’t quite belong.  My Inner Muse was giving me hints that there was a much more fulfilling, authentic and creative path to walk.

It wasn’t until participating in a Leadership program about five years ago, that I fully tapped into the power of my creative self and gave myself permission to lead my life from my soft, feminine Inner Muse.  Even though it feels much more vulnerable to come from that place, I know it’s what gives me the most strength.  Now she guides me in my work and in how I show up in the world.  She’s thriving because I have acknowledged her wisdom.  Sure, there are still times when those nasty gremlins come in with their doubts and worries. And because my creative self is being nourished and supported, Sparkling Sage is able to ground me back in what matters most.

I acknowledge my creative self by:

  • Connecting with my Sparkling Sage wo-manifesto.
  • Giving her a voice through my work, blogging, writing and other creative acts.
  • Letting her play with and be inspired by other creative cohorts.  I’m soooo relishing in a creative women’s circle that formed this week with some fellow bloggers.  My Inner Muse is thrilled to have other creative souls supporting and encouraging her.
  • Creating space for her to breathe.  Having white space on my calendar to nourish myself, take a break, or to follow a creative spark.
  • Making an Inner Muse portrait (pictured above) to represent the essence of my creative self – spacious, graceful, feminine, flowing, playful, elegant and wise.

How do you acknowledge your creative self?  What name will you give your Inner Muse?

P.S. – Take a listen to my chat with Jamie about creativity and acknowledging your creative self.  It’s the first interview in a series of discussions with creative bloggers to accompany the Next Chapter book club.

12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women

This week kicks off the Next Chapter blogging book group started by the amazing and highly creative, Jamie Ridler.  More than 100 participants will be blogging weekly about their insights as we read, “The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women.”  This was one of the first books I picked up when I was making my transition out of the corporate world and into living a more creative life and I appreciate the opportunity to explore it again in a community.

I’m also honored to be part of the inspiring group of women that Jamie will talk with each week in her accompanying Highly Creative Blogger interview series.  I had a blast chatting with Jamie about the creativity journey and I hope you’ll enjoy listening to our recording tomorrow.

One of the themes in this book is support, whether in the form of guides, partners or alliances.  Our creative selves need other creative souls to play with and keep us moving forward.  That’s why I’m so incredibly thankful to have joined two new groups – one locally and one virtually – that both kicked-off yesterday.  I’ve met some really cool women who are up to amazing things and I’m looking forward to watching our goals and dreams bloom in the months to come.

And I’m looking forward to getting to know the other bloggers in the book group. If you haven’t signed-up for the Next Chapter yet, come play with us!!