Back in the Studio

After a long time away, I finally returned to intuitive painting class this week. It felt good to be back in the studio again. To be done with my deadlines. To be surrounded by color and creativity. And I got to paint alongside my dear friend Julie Daley, which was an extra special treat.

I picked up where I left off with my crazy dodo bird/parrot/flamingo that I created last month. It amazes me how easy it is to get reacquainted with a painting. The magical world of your imagination and intuition is right there waiting for you. All you have to do is show up and be ready to play.

I don’t know why I’m always surprised, but a few more interesting creatures appeared. I have no idea where this painting will take me next and I’m curious about what will unfold. So I just gotta show up and paint!

If you’re interested in exploring your own world of imagination and intuition more deeply, I’ve got a couple more spots available for my Intuitive Painting Playshop on Saturday, August 21st in Oakland. Your inner muse is waiting for you to come play!

One thought on “Back in the Studio”

  1. I love this post Jenn. I find it so balancing and fulfilling to pursue an artistic or creative endeavor of some kind. For me it’s music but it can be anything that moves someone and speaks to them deep inside. I think of those moments when we lose ourselves in something we love as living our true life.

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